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Terms of use

TopNews24Online Terms of Use

Use of TopNews24Online is subject to the Terms of Use for personal use only, and not for commercial purposes, we allow you to download audio / video files or files from his website. However, this permission may be revoked at any time.

In order to promote, advertise, recommend, or engage in any activity that appears to be related to you (or anyone else) and TopNews24Online, or to any of its employees or agents, you are permitted to download the content of our website, or make any changes to it. You don’t have

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If you want a journalist to contact you on our behalf, leave your phone number.

You should never endanger yourself or take any risk or break any law by describing any of our pictures, videos or events that you have seen with your own eyes.

News may require a full or part of your work (any photos, videos, graphics or audio clips you take) to use in this online service. In this case, we are determined to follow all the rules. This rule will determine how the news media will use your work and how you will allow us to use your work.

If you allow us to use your work (any photos, videos, graphics or audio clips you take), we reserve the right to promote it worldwide for free. The online portal will be able to delete any part of the work or add something new or edit it as per its requirement. If the media thinks that any part of it violates our terms, that part will be cut off.

By granting permission, you are giving full freedom to the media to use the whole or part of your work in any way, any need and anywhere in the world. If they wish, they may allow any third party (other news agency) to use it.

You will own the copyright of your work and there are no restrictions on that medium. You can allow anyone else to use it if you want.

You are making sure that your work or works do not infringe on the copyrights of any third party or any other law or that there is anything objectionable. You further confirm that your work is solely yours and that it was not used for any promotional or illegal purposes and that there is no commercial purpose behind it. You also make sure that if a person is involved in your work, you have obtained their permission, or if you are using someone under the age of 18, with the consent of their guardian.

If you do not mind, we will show your name along with the part of your work. But many times it may not be so.

We may need to contact you for a variety of reasons (to be sure of your work or any other need). Provide a detailed address and phone number for when and where we can contact you.

You are requested not to take any risk in any work done for us and not to put yourself or others in any kind of adverse situation.

The news outlet may want to know your personal information for their work needs. However, that information will be kept confidential and will be used for the media’s own needs.

If you do not want to share your work (any photos, videos, graphics work or audio clips you have taken) with us in accordance with the terms of TopNews24Online, please do not send them to us or our website.

If you want to know more about this, please contact us.

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