
27.7 C
শনিবার, জুলাই ২৭, ২০২৪

“Observing International CEDAW Day”

Top News Desk: On November 6th, 1984, the Bangladeshi government officially endorsed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). However, Bangladesh has yet to fully ratify two critical articles within this convention.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the CEDAW convention on December 18, 1979. It was formally signed on March 1, 1980, and came into force on September 3, 1981. Bangladesh ratified the convention after a five-year delay. Since 1991, the Bangladesh Women’s Council has observed this day to champion the comprehensive implementation of the convention.

The government has maintained its reservations regarding the convention’s second article, which addresses reservations themselves. Under this article, the state commits to taking legal and administrative measures to eradicate all forms of discrimination against women, including the amendment, repeal, or nullification of any laws or regulations conflicting with this objective. Furthermore, the government has also retained the provisions outlined in Article 16.1(g), which pertain to marriage and family relationships, ensuring equal rights for both women and men.

Report by: Habiba Sultana

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