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9 Ways to Reduce Car Oil Consumption

Top News Desk: Fuel prices are increasing. So it has become difficult to use the favorite vehicle. And 9 solutions to this problem are described in this article through which you too can reduce the oil consumption of your car.

  1. Go a little slower:  Think car tires eat that oil? The faster the car runs the more oil it consumes. Fuel consumption is high due to the high pressure on the engine. So don’t rush and set a speed limit and drive. This will reduce fuel consumption even if you are not too late to reach your destination. You may not get the benefit in a day. Try this for a few days or a few months, fuel consumption will surely decrease

  1. Maintain proper tire pressure: Viewers,  If you think only the engine consumes oil then you are wrong. Your car’s tires also have the capacity to consume oil. And this power car tires get when your car tire pressure is not right. Inflated tires are one of the causes of the increased fuel consumption of vehicles. Inflated tires or under-inflated car tires cannot run smoothly on the road, putting pressure on the engine. And when the pressure is on the engine, the car consumes more fuel. As a result, overinflated tires consume extra fuel. Always maintain proper tire pressure. At the end of the month, you will see that the car runs more distance than before with less fuel. That means you will get more mileage.

  1. Check the air filter on the other side: If your car’s air filter is not clean, your car’s fuel consumption will increase. Because a dirty air filter obstructs the flow of air in the engine. As a result, the performance of the engine decreases slightly. And because of this, the engine consumes more oil or fuel. Checking the air filter is a very simple task. Check the user manual of the car and open the filter and hold it under the sun. Then look through it at the sun. If the sunlight enters your eyes through the filter, then you will understand that the filter is clean, and if the sunlight is blocked or not coming, then you will understand that it needs to be cleaned. Keep the air filter clean, and stop fuel consumption and fuel wastage.

  1. Check the air filter on the other side: If your car’s air filter is not clean, your car’s fuel consumption will increase. Because a dirty air filter obstructs the flow of air in the engine. As a result, the performance of the engine decreases slightly. And because of this, the engine consumes more oil or fuel. Checking the air filter is a very simple task. Check the user manual of the car and open the filter and hold it under the sun. Then look through it at the sun. If the sunlight enters your eyes through the filter, then you will understand that the filter is clean, and if the sunlight is blocked or not coming, then you will understand that it needs to be cleaned. Keep the air filter clean, and stop fuel consumption and fuel wastage.

  1. Accelerate the vehicle with caution: Many start the engine of the car – Woouuuummmmmm! Means like to play with speed. But if the pocket money says to reduce fuel consumption a little, then avoid this practice. If you use the car on a daily basis and if it is important to your work, be a bit more calculating. Accelerate the vehicle cautiously to allow the vehicle’s transmission gears to shift smoothly. And pay extra attention to where and when to brake on the road. If you brake suddenly, the fuel consumption is more! So accelerate carefully and brake smoothly. This will save fuel, and save a life!

  1. Switch off the car AC and enjoy nature: Don’t keep the AC running in the car all the time, open the windows of the car with the AC on every now and then. While driving off-road or on long roads, open the car window and enjoy a bit of nature. This will reduce the fuel cost of the car. The mind will be happy. And oil consumption will also decrease.

  1. Use old wheels for long distances: Maybe you’re changing wheels or tires to freshen up the car or improve handling. But the volume of the new wheel is slightly more than the old wheel. Which cannot be perceived by the eye. Again, the engine must use extra power to properly handle these tough new wheels. As a result, changing tires or wheels increases fuel consumption which is not visible to the naked eye. You change the wheel of the car, no problem but keep the old wheel in stock. You can reduce the car’s fuel consumption by using it on long journeys or when necessary. So use old tires for long journeys.

  1. Always keep your favorite car clean: Never heard that keeping your car clean can reduce fuel consumption, have you? But listen, the cleaner the car, the more optimized the car’s weight. One of the reasons for the high oil consumption of the car is the extra weight of the car. Sometimes many people use extra parts in the car or keep it dirty. It increases the weight of the car, and increases fuel consumption! So keep car weight as low as possible to keep fuel consumption low. And always keep the car clean.

  1. Use Vehicle Tracker on your car: Nowadays car oil theft is a very common thing. You have to worry so much about the oil of the car that sometimes the annoyance comes to the car itself, to get rid of these annoyances and to prevent the theft of the oil of the car, you can use a vehicle tracking service in the car. By doing this you can monitor everything about your car on mobile. Even if you are not in the car, the car will be under your watch. Or while you’re in the car, you can check the map with the tracking service to determine the easiest route to reach the destination in the shortest time. As a result, additional oil consumption will be saved to a large extent.

Source: arthosuchak

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