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শনিবার, জুলাই ২৭, ২০২৪

Today is World Tourism Day

Top News Desk: Today Tuesday (September 27) World Tourism Day is being celebrated with the theme of ‘New ideas in tourism’. This day every year like in other countries of the world, the day is celebrated in Bangladesh through various programs.

Basically, after the end of the Second World War, the tourism business expanded worldwide as a result of the expansion of various economic activities. At this time, the International Travel Organization, or IUOTO was formed by combining various institutions, individuals, and consumer groups related to tourism. Then on September 27, 1970, the annual conference of this organization re-evaluated and defined its name, aims, and objectives and since then it has been named “World Tourism Organization”.The activities of the organization started in 1974 under this name. On the foundation day of this organization i.e. 27 September, the 1980 annual conference agreed to observe World Tourism Day. Later, at the annual conference held in Turkey in 1997, a consensus was established by selecting a host country to bring more momentum to the World Tourism Day celebrations.

September 27: On this day in history…

Various tourism organizations including Bangladesh Tourism Corporation and Bangladesh Tourism Board organized various programs on the occasion of the day. The main aim of celebrating this day is to increase public awareness about the role of tourism.

Besides, spreading the social, political, cultural, and economic benefits of tourism to the world – is one of the objectives of this day.

The President and the Prime Minister gave separate messages on the occasion of the day. Also, the direct presence of the Minister of State for Transport and Tourism can be seen in various events organized on the occasion of the day.

The contribution of tourism to the national economy and achieving sustainable development goals is very important. Therefore, since 1980, the day has been celebrated by various countries of the world under the initiative of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Edited by: Habiba Sultana

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