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Why is this Mother’s Day celebrated?

Top News Deskঃ In this world, Mother is the most respected person. Even though the word “Mother” is composed of one letter, its vastness is bigger than the ocean.

There is no more special word than this word. After birth, this word is most pronounced in the human mouth. The day comes and goes every year along the calendar. On this day, children do something special for their mothers, hug them with love.

But how did the day come? Why is this Mother’s Day celebrated? What is its importance, many may not know?

History says that ‘Mother’s Day was celebrated for the first time on May 12, 1907, in Grafton, West Virginia, USA. There is a history in observing this day. There was a pacifist activist in Virginia named Anne. She worked for women’s rights. She founded the ‘Mother’s Day Work Club’. He made small work clubs and tried to advance the backward women of society. Helped women to become independent. Anne was very religious.

Anne had a daughter, Anna Maria Reeves Jarvis. One day, in front of her little daughter, Ann folded her hands and said – ‘I pray that one day someone, someone, will dedicate a day to mothers. Because they are sacrificing their lives for humanity. It is their right.

Aner’s heart was moved by that mother’s prayer. He dedicated the day of Ann’s death to every mother around the world. Since then, Mother’s Day has been celebrated in honor of mothers. In 1914, then US President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday of May as ‘Mother’s Day.

Since then, the second Sunday of May is celebrated as International Mother’s Day. However, many countries have dedicated another day to mothers. usually, Mother’s Day is celebrated in March or May. Currently, more than 40 countries celebrate ‘Mother’s Day.

Edited Byঃ Purabi Roy..

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