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Observing World Elephant Day: A Call to Protect Majestic Giants

Top News Desk: Today, on August 12th, the world comes together to recognize and celebrate World Elephant Day, an annual event established in 2012. Amongst the magnificent creatures that capture human imagination—tigers, and lions—the elephant stands prominently, commanding attention as the largest terrestrial mammal.

The origins of World Elephant Day can be traced back to the collaboration between two Canadian filmmakers, Patricia Sims and Michael Clarke, alongside Thailand’s Reintroduction Foundation. This day serves as a global reminder of the urgent need to safeguard these majestic beings and their habitats.

A concerning reality looms over the fate of elephants—a species at risk of vanishing, much like the ancient dinosaurs, unless immediate action is taken. The threats posed by habitat loss, human-elephant conflicts, and the malevolent hands of poachers cast a shadow on their survival.

Inhabitants of grasslands, elephants are present in numerous countries, with a notable concentration found in African nations. However, their existence is challenged on two fronts: encroaching urbanization and rampant deforestation on one side, and the insidious black market and poaching activities on the other. The launch of Elephant Day serves as a beacon of hope, igniting public consciousness about these dire issues that demand attention.

As habitats diminish and these grand creatures face relentless danger, World Elephant Day urges us to unite in the spirit of conservation. It prompts us to safeguard their habitats, discourage harmful interactions between elephants and communities, and curb the illicit trade that threatens their existence.

Report by: Habiba Sultana

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