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শনিবার, জুলাই ২৭, ২০২৪

Inflation eased to 8.85 percent in November

Top News Desk: Inflation further reduced in November. According to the latest data released by the BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics), inflation has come down to 8.85 percent at the end of November from 8.91 percent last month. This rate was 9.10 percent in September and 9.52 percent in August.

BBS claimed that prices of various food products including vegetables have decreased. According to the agency, the price of food products decreased to 8.14 percent in November from 8.50 percent last month.

Today, Monday (December 5), Planning Minister MA Mannan released the latest inflation data in a press conference at the Planning Ministry.

At this time, the Planning Minister said, we received very good news in November. Inflation is likely to come down further in December. As per the target, the price of oil and gas is also decreasing globally. The Planning Minister expects the overall growth to go up to seven percent.

Edited by: Habiba Sultana

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