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what is Cancer?

Top news deskঃThe human body is made up of many cells and these cells are constantly dividing. This is a common process where body control is done. But the disease of abnormally growing cells is called cancer. In this, the cells become uncontrolled and hinder the body’s growth system. According to scientists, abnormal changes in DNA cause types of cancer. Not all cells present in a tumor are the same. But it helps cancer spread and affects cells and starts forming new tumors. According to the World Health Organization, the number of deaths due to cancer is high all over the world. Don’t take cancer lightly, but if you see symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor and get treatment. Let us tell you about cancer in detail in today’s article.

What is cancer? Types of cancer? (Types of Cancer in Bengali)
What causes cancer? (Causes of Cancer in Bengali)
What are the symptoms of cancer? (Symptoms of Cancer in Bengali)
Cancer test? (Diagnosis of Cancer in Bengali)
What is the treatment for cancer? (Treatment of Cancer in Bengali)
Types of cancer? (Types of Cancer in Bengali)
Cancers are named for the area where they start to form and the type of cells they are made of, even if they spread to other parts of the body. For example, cancer that starts in the lungs and spreads to the liver is called lung cancer. Many names are used for some common types of cancer.

Carcinoma – This is cancer that starts in the skin or tissue that affects other organs.
Sarcoma – Sarcoma is a cancer of connective tissues such as bone, muscle, cartilage, and blood vessels.
Leukemia – Leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow that forms blood cells.
Lymphoma and myeloma are cancers of the immune system.
What causes cancer? (Causes of Cancer in Bengali)
DNA mutations and mutations are the main cause of cancer. Cancer occurs when cells begin to grow uncontrollably. In addition, UV rays can cause cancer in a person due to certain chemicals. Some cancers can be caused by health conditions and diet.

Cancer risk factors include:

Long-term tobacco and cigarette use can cause mouth and lung cancer.
Long-term alcohol consumption can increase the risk of liver cancer and other organ cancers.
Chronic skin lesions can cause cancer of the lips, tongue, gallbladder, and bladder.
Stomach and liver cancer are caused by excessive consumption of drugs and chemicals.
Having sex at a young age and having relationships with more men can cause cervical cancer.

What are the symptoms of cancer? (Symptoms of Cancer in Bengali)
Any part of cancer can cause symptoms. In addition, symptoms may vary depending on the stage and type of cancer. These symptoms include:

Feeling tired.
Difficulty swallowing.
feeling weak
loss of appetite
A blue mark anywhere on the skin.
Constant cough.
Frequent fever.
muscle pain
Frequent infections.
Skin texture.
joint pain.
If a person experiences any of the symptoms described above, they should be diagnosed and treated to avoid increasing the risk of cancer.

Cancer test? (Diagnosis of Cancer in Bengali)
To screen for cancer, the doctor first conducts a physical exam that asks about your age, previous medical history, and family health status, and gets information about symptoms. If any symptoms of cancer are found in a doctor, you can do some of the following tests to make an accurate diagnosis of cancer.

Lab tests – Some tests are done on the patient’s blood sample including kidney function test, liver function test, C reactive protein, CBC, ESR, etc.
Imaging tests – Imaging tests include CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, USG scans, bone density scans, etc.
Biopsy – This is a sample of affected sites or tumors taken for accurate diagnosis of cancer and to check if cancer is present.

edited by Purabi Roy..

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