
30.3 C
শনিবার, জুলাই ২৭, ২০২৪

The necessity of literature in human life

Top news desk: People’s thoughts, emotions, thoughts, feelings, imagination – all these are the livelihood of literature. Keeping them in front, people move forward on the path of progress. Society is changing. Society is constantly changing everywhere.

As a result, that kind of counter-wind is also noticeable in people’s lifestyles. The role of literature is not only limited to the past and present but also gives a hint of what the future world will be like.

As a result of the practice of literature, both the biological and spiritual beings of the people are expelled. Literature ennobles the individual and motivates him to make emotions, feelings, and values ​​the stuff of life. Literary practice can never be successful without beautiful people with beautiful minds. Literature makes the mind beautiful and lively. Literature means cooperation and solidarity, adding life to life. This consciousness is the key to the development of society. Superstition, superstition, and lack of judgment – are the absolute enemies of literature and culture and great obstacles to social progress.

Good behavior with people, match of words and actions, dress, manners, modesty, humility, and gentleness – are also part of literature. External appearance never conveys the true identity of a person. Humanity is paramount.

Literature awakens the reader’s heart with true, beautiful, joyful feelings. Even a depressed person can get a glimpse of a great life. Even the fossil man rediscovers humanity. Reading literature can be a strategy to develop a person’s personality.

Proximity to literature is essential to keep life creative and active. Literature is the lake of eternal liberation of the human mind. There is no greater pleasure than reading literature.

Only a dedicated reader can get this pleasure. Through reading literature we gain an understanding of the world and life. At the same time, we realize ourselves. The question of knowing who is the ‘I’ in our heart comes from the mind. There is no purer and purer joy than reading literature.

Life is a direct and hard reality. Therefore, literature and art cannot be realistic. Poet Rabindranath Tagore’s timeless quote has to be mentioned – ‘Truth that is hard, love hard.’

Again, literary and social builders have to turn their eyes away from the sky-high imagination. He should look at the ground beneath his feet. Because the person has to move forward by breaking the hard ground under the feet, similarly society has to move forward.

A writer’s work is not finished by showing the way to art and literature; Its practice is very important in personal and practical life. This is absolutely desirable for worthwhile artwork.

The role of literature is bound to change with time. If literature cannot have any kind of influence on human character, then the importance of literature in the struggle of life will end in failure. Because literature is for life, life for literature cannot be.

Edited by Purabi Roy..

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