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History of Christmas Day

Top news deskঃ Christmas Day is an annual Christian festival. This festival is celebrated on the occasion of the birthday of Jesus Christ on 25 December. However, it is not known that this day is the actual birthday of Jesus. Commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, Son of God. According to early Christian belief, Jesus entered Mary’s womb exactly nine months before this date. It is probably according to this calculation that the date 25 December is considered the date of Jesus’ birth. In particular, the importance of Christmas is revealed in the remembrance and blessing of God’s presence in our world through the incarnation of Jesus.

The tradition of celebrating the birth of Jesus on December 25 coincides with the Southern Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Christmas Day is the central day of the Christmas holiday and the beginning of the twelve-day Christmas celebration in Christianity. The actual date of Christ’s birth is unknown, but Christmas has been symbolically celebrated since the 4th century until December 25.

Scientists cannot agree on exactly when Christ was born. The exact circumstances of the beginning of Christmas as we know it remains in the dark. Several 3rd-century chronographs were held on December 25. This is the most likely date of Christ’s birth, but other dates have been proposed, including some in the spring and autumn. The earliest record of the celebration of the birth of Christ in the Western Church is in 354 Roman chronographs (or chronographs), also known as the Phyllocalism calendar. This yearbook records that in 336 the Roman Church celebrated a feast to commemorate the birth of Christ.

Around 350 AD, Pope Julius first designated December 25 as the day the church commemorates the birth of Jesus. Many historians believe that the church was eager to counter the pagan festivals around the solstice at this time of year by the festival, but Rome clarified the reason and fixed the date on December 25. There is no historical document to explain

The word “Christmas” comes from the Old English Christes Masses, meaning “Christmas Mass”. Despite being a Christian sacrament, many non-Christian communities also celebrate Christmas in mass. In some cases, even pre-Christian and secular ideas can be seen in the organization of the festival. Gift-giving, music, Christmas card exchanges, church worship, feasting, and displays of Christmas trees, lights, garlands, mistletoe, nativity scenes, and holly are all part of modern Christmas celebrations. In some countries, the legend of Father Christmas (Santa Claus in North America, Australia, and Ireland) bringing presents to children is quite popular.

The various aspects of Christmas, including the custom of gift-giving, are of particular importance to the economy of Christians and non-Christians alike. A special season of trading and buying and selling takes place on the occasion of this festival. The past few centuries have seen the economic influence of Christmas gradually expand in different regions of the world.

Edited by Purabi Roy..

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