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The world’s largest clock

Top news deskঃ Big Ben (English: Big Ben) is the nickname of the large bell located in the clock tower of the northern part of the Houses of Parliament in the Westminster area of ​​London, which rings from time to time. The tower is officially known as the Clock Tower or the Palace of Westminster. Most Londoners fondly call the tower Big Ben. Because the bell is very large. Its total weight is about 13 tons. The current Big Ben bell has been replaced for the second time. In 1856 the first bell was essentially destroyed for miscalculation.

Big Ben is the most famous and popular landmark in London. However, there is some debate about the origin of the name Big Ben. It was originally known as the Great Bell as a nickname. Some believe that the name originated from Sir Benjamin Hall. It is believed that Big Ben was named after English boxer and heavyweight champion Benjamin Conte. Today, Big Ben is often used to denote clocks, towers, and bells – all combined. But Big Ben, as nicknamed, is not only known globally as the clock and the tower.

A number of authors refer to towers, clocks, and bells due to the use of the term Big Ben. There they found that the main theme of the book, titled Big Ben, was the bell; There are also clocks and towers as well. It is the world’s largest chiming quadrilateral clock. The weight of the watch alone is 5.08 tons. The numerals on the face of the clock are 2 feet (610 mm) long and the minute hand is 1 foot (305 mm) long. The clock took 13 years to build. Its construction work was completed in 1859. The tower has an average height of 16 stories.

Cultural arena:
The watch has been carrying wide recognition in London and the United Kingdom. The medium of philosophy plays an extensive and important role in this introduction. When a television or film producer wishes to set a British location, the inevitable name is Big Ben. They use red double-decker buses or black cabs as a popular way to portray the tower. The sound image of the watch is presented through hearing.

On the eve of New Year celebrations, the clock tower becomes the center of attention. UK radio and television broadcasters all welcome the new year with the unison sound of Big Ben. The 2012 New Year’s Eve episode featured intense lighting scenes with explosions. Also, Big Ben is sounded at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of Remembrance Day. After two minutes silence was broken and the sound of the clock was repeated.

Edited by Purabi Roy..

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