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শনিবার, জুলাই ২৭, ২০২৪

Today is the holy Eid-e-Miladunnabi

Top News Desk: Today, Sunday, Hijri 12 Rabiul Awal (September 9), the holy Eid Miladunnabi (PBUH) is being celebrated with great dignity and religious solemnity across the country. Today marks the birth and death of the last Prophet and Messenger of the Muslim Ummah. Eid Miladunnabi (PBUH) is a day of special status for Muslims all over the world.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born on this day in 570 AD in the famous Quraysh dynasty in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, and he left this world on the same day in 632 AD.

When the whole Arab world was plunged into the darkness of paganism and lawlessness, Almighty Allah sent His beloved Habib to the world as immense mercy during the era of Jahiliyyah in the establishment of truth, justice, goodness, and unity. For this reason, in honor of Rasool (PBUH), Almighty Allah has addressed him as ‘Rahmatullahil Alamin’.All human virtues, including humility, kindness, tolerance, and compassion, were developed in him to the highest degree. Rasul Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is universally recognized as possessing the best human qualities irrespective of religion, caste, and community.

On this day Nafal fast is observed by devout Muslims. They spend the day with more and more Darood reading, recitation of the Quran Sharif, charity, and various Nafal worships. On the occasion of the auspicious day, discussions on the biography of Rasool (PBUH) and Milad have been organized. Also, on the occasion of celebrating this holy day, processions have been taken out in different parts of the country including the capital Dhaka, and the metropolis of Rajshahi.

Around 9 o’clock this morning, a procession was taken out from Baitul Mamur Jame Masjid in Shireel Colony of Rajshahi City under the initiative of the Rajshahi Metropolitan Gauchia Committee. The rally was concluded by praying at the shrine of Hazrat Shah Makhdoom (RA) at Dargapara, praying for peace for the entire Muslim Ummah and for the peace of the country and nation by offering a wreath and visiting the shrine. Maulana Ataul Mostafa Qaderi, Honorable Khatib of Shireel Colony Baitul Mamur Jame Masjid led the prayer. At the end of the rally, after returning to the mosque, Milad Mahfil and Dua, about 5000 packets of Tobruk were distributed.

On the occasion of Miladunnabi (PBUH) on the occasion of the holy Eid, President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina gave a separate message to the Muslim Ummah including Bangladesh.

Edited by: Habiba Sultana

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