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What is Copywrite?

Top News Desk: Copyright is a form of intellectual property that grants creators exclusive rights to their creative works. It is a system of legal protection that gives authors, artists, musicians, and other creators the right to control how their works are used and distributed. Copyright applies to any works such as books, films, music, paintings, photographs, computer software, and architecture. It is one of the most important aspects of intellectual property law and is a powerful tool for creators to protect their works from infringement.

Copyright gives creators the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, display, perform, or make derivative works from their original works. This means that no one else can copy, distribute, or make any use of their work without the permission of the copyright holder. Copyright also grants the right to receive compensation when someone else makes use of the copyrighted work.

Copyright is a form of legal protection that gives creators the right to control how their works are used. This means that no one else can copy, distribute, or make any use of their work without the permission of the copyright holder. Copyright also grants creators the exclusive right to receive compensation when someone else makes use of the copyrighted work.

Copyright is an important form of protection for creators that ensures that they can be compensated for their work and that no one else can copy, distribute, or make any use of their work without their permission. Copyright also encourages creativity and innovation by providing creators with a strong incentive to keep creating. It is an important part of the intellectual property law and provides creators with the tools they need to protect their works and ensure that they can receive the recognition and compensation they deserve.

By : Habiba Sultana

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